Roller Die Plant in Florida Poised to Help with Solar Boom

Roller Die Plant in Florida Poised to Help with Solar Boom

Roller Die Helps With SolarWith deep experience assisting the solar industry in racking and other custom metal parts, Roller Die +Forming is uniquely positioned to help Florida join the solar energy boom. Our plant in Green Cove Springs, right outside of Jacksonville, has experience adapting solar racking designs to take advantage of roll forming and rolling parts with industry standard or better tolerance.

With changes in the incentives utility companies have to increase solar capacity, driven by customer demand, the falling cost of solar, and new policies to support large-scale solar installations, several major Florida electric providers have already made commitments to solar. Tampa Electric has plans for 600 megawatts by 2021, Duke Florida for 700 megawatts by 2022, and Florida Power & Light for 8 gigawatts by 2030. (source) A 2018 mandate by the Florida Public Service Commission increased the installation of household solar by making leasing options available to customers.

Roll Forming is Cost-effective

Roll forming is a cost-effective option for solar racking as a single set of tooling can often roll multiple parts. Different punches, stamps, and cut-off lengths give variations. Further, the accuracy in the roll forming process means solar racks will line up and fit together whether strung together across the roof of a house or acres of solar farm fields. Our Standard Tooling Library already contains many basic shapes to help companies cut their tooling costs.

One of the biggest costs of racking, and often the most difficult to cut, is the cost of transportation. When your parts are roll formed in Florida, it is much cheaper to truck the finished product to the job site, leading to considerable savings. We also offer further value-ad processes to help reduce costs, from kitting together parts for an installation to just-in-time delivery.

If you’re interested in learning more about how the Roller Die plant in Florida can help you cut costs and create your custom solar racking, reach out to a member of our experienced sales team today.

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